A Tory councillor who was disqualified from driving because of a drink-driving conviction is to return to court next week to face a charge that he flouted the ban. Chellaston councillor Ron Liversedge has confirmed that he now intends to quit as a member of Derby City Council.
He was given a £500 fine and a 20-month driving ban last February after a police breath test found him to be twice the legal limit. He was told that his ban would be reduced to 15 months if he successfully completed a drink-drivers' rehabilitation course.
A BOROUGH councillor must complete 250 hours of community service after his pizza restaurant was found to be infested with cockroaches. Mushtaq Hayat, Lib Dem councillor for Baylis and Stoke, and a former chairman of the council’s health panel, was also served with an indefinite ban on managing a food business by Slough Magistrates after pleading guilty to failing to ensure the safety of food at Halal Pizza Place, Belgrave Parade, Slough. http://www.thisisslough.com/?module=displaystory&story_id=1752&format=html