A councillor been sent to jail for five years after molesting two 11-year-old girls while he was a school governor. Disgusting Bob Hargreaves, 62, who was elected to Bradford Metropolitan District Council in 2004, was given five years in jail.
Bradford Crown Court convicted Hargreaves of eight charges of molesting two 11-year-old girls, including one of attempted rape.
Hargreaves, who represents Bolton and Undercliffe for the Liberal Democrats, will now lose his place on the council. All the attacks took place in the 1990s, while he was a school governor.
Once again another example of just how disgusting and perverted members of the liberal democrats are and it concerns me this type of filth is in power in Bournemouth Council. Roll on May I say
The Mayor of Harpenden has been charged with misconduct in a public office. John Chambers (Conservative)of Ridgewood Drive, Harpenden, Herts, was charged after an incident in November last year.Mr Chambers, 67, who was first elected as a town councillor in 1999, will appear before Central Hertfordshire Magistrates Court on 9 February.The married father-of-two served in the fire and ambulance services and has been presented with the Queen's Award for Long Service and Good Conduct.
**********Update 9th Feb**********
Seems our Mayor has pissed of the local police somewhat by grassing them up to a pub landlord over an intended raid. No doubt in the fullness of time it will turn out that Chambers is a personal friend of landlord or has some financial interest in the pub in question, but we'll have to wait til June for the outcome
Mayor Appears In Court
A LEADING Worthing borough councillor has been charged with threatening to kill a woman. He is also accused of assaulting the 25-year-old woman, whom he formerly employed as an au pair for his two children.Paul High, 50, of Compton Avenue, Goring, who represents Heene ward, is the Tory council's cabinet member for culture, leisure and sport.He strongly denies assaulting and threatening Susannah Krammarics in October. He also refutes the woman's claim that the pair were engaged. Mr High, who lives with his two sons from a previous marriage, was charged on Tuesday and will appear before Worthing magistrates on January 24.http://www.worthingtoday.co.uk/ViewArticle2.aspx?SectionID=472&ArticleID=1968964And there's me thinking the Tories have become a bunch of pussies..........Oh wait his alleged victim is a woman.